At present, the car model has become a favorite of many car lovers, they are in the pursuit of a feeling of having...
"Can't afford to buy a car, the collection car models are not the same feeling!"A friend of the super love models, after being "ridicule" near "angry", "I worship" car culture ", they are my totem." And more models to the legendary in history, is based on the classical models, on behalf of the latest science and technology, almost every kind of models has a legendary story achieves period models reflect the history and culture of that time. "Just like you love a person, you love affirmation is not just her appearance, but she has the temperament of, send out the glamour, contain the accomplishment..."
"car Models that you have to pick, just like tao, antique, always found treasures." Friends think this is a fun life.Buy home wares, careful study of the formation of it, like place oneself in a car assembly workshop...When the small car model will be brought into its past, its history. "When you open it after installation of model, the history of the door is closed, but it will make you wanting more."
In a web page introduces model car, I saw a love model car collectors, said: "from the model car can feel the power of science and technology, the age breath, it is not only the past record, should also be a sign in now and in the future." Maybe when you came to love the small car models, you can really feel the power of it.
Finally, I wish you all a happy New Year, happy every day

tong tong car model gamedaily: tongtongmodels



Car model appreciation

Model car - cranberry glass VS transparent glass