Car model industry - mouse goods?Tail goods?
The so-called mouse goods, in fact, not fake, cottage goods, but the factory in the production process inadvertently outflow of goods. We are all aware that the number of models produced per batch of automobile model plant is often a lot, the production process of defective products, the number of substandard products is very objective, some people are spotted this opportunity, low from the production plant acquisition These defective goods, tail goods, and then through a simple deal with sales. I have also received a similar phone, but I refused, and other manufacturers I do not know, but the TT model for the customer's copyright issue is still very important, even if there are more scrapped, defective products, we also Will not be sold, or storage or destruction, always stick to, do not harm the interests of the customer behavior.
Another kind of rat goods, is due to the temptation of interests, many factories workers guarded by the theft, often from the production line pilfering, doing "no profit" of the sale, which also caused the market brand, the same quality car model, Price gap is very large phenomenon, the purchase of regular channels of business, this blow is undoubtedly very deadly.
In addition, the domestic car market is another chaos "infringement", in fact, there is no car model carcass goods such a, but some manufacturers do not have the production of products, there are violations, the formal car model industry And therefore by another force of the impact. Not only that, many domestic manufacturers are still trying to "fight the edge of the ball", such as in the case of unauthorized production and overseas models similar to the domestic car model, a small amount of production of different colors of the first board model, etc., which have caused the domestic car model Market chaos.